Prenatal Yoga can be an excellent addition to your daily routine while developing a young being.
Nothing can be more beautiful for a woman than raising a life inside her womb. The body undergoes constant physiological changes — from conception to birth — to accommodate the growing life.
In this phase, the body is prone to the imbalance of normal physiological functions of the body, which may cause mental and physical discomfort. These challenges can be addressed by Yoga, a 5000-year-old practice of living a healthy life!
Follow me till the end to learn more about pregnancy Yoga & its benefits. 😀
What is Pregnancy Yoga?
In simple terms, Yoga is physical exercises, breathing techniques, and mindfulness practices aimed at physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
Pregnancy Yoga or prenatal Yoga is the physical poses and breathing techniques tailored to support the health during the miraculous moment of developing fetus and childbirth. It includes practices that stretch body muscles, relax the body, alleviate stress, and improve circulation.
Proven Health Benefits of Prenatal Yoga
Practicing Yoga during pregnancy leads to overall positive health and benefits the mother in multiple ways. Some benefits of Yoga during pregnancy are listed below.
- Reduces Anxiety & Depression: Regularly practicing Yoga & breathing exercises during pregnancy promotes positive mental health and helps combat anxiety and depression.[1] It also improves psychological health.[2]
- Prevents Complications: Prenatal Yoga reduces the risks of hypertension-related complications during labor and delivery. [3] It also reduces the chances of preterm labor and prematurity.[4]
- Improves Sleep Quality: Yoga & mindful meditation during pregnancy improves sleep quality and reduces awakening periods at night.[5]
- Reduces Labor Pain: Practicing Yoga during pregnancy can give you a high level of comfort during labor and can decimate the post-delivery pain. [6]
Pregnancy Yoga: Best Practices & Asanas
Health should be of top priority for any soon-to-be-a-mom woman. Pregnancy Yoga can bring alignment between your body’s changing physiology & your physical, mental, and spiritual health.
It is advisable to take an expert's opinion before practicing rigorous exercises during pregnancy to prevent serious complications. You can also join an online Yoga course by certified experts such as Liz & Kate to practice Yoga from the comfort of your place.
Here are some best prenatal Yoga practices you can follow for a happy gestation period.[7] [8]
Bhramari Pranayama (Humming Bee Breath)
In Yoga, Pranayamas are breathing exercises that increase oxygen levels by throwing out carbon dioxide through deep breathing. Bhramari translates to Indian bee; this type of Pranayama includes breathing out while making a sound like a humming bee.
Steps to do Bhramari Pranayama:
- Close your ears by pressing the tragus with your thumbs.
- Put your index fingers on the forehead and the remaining fingers on your eyes.
- Start inhaling slowly and deeply through your nostrils.
- Exhale the breath slowly by making a humming sound through the nostrils.
Practice this for up to 5 minutes a day.
It reduces anger, stress, and frustration and calms down the mind. It also helps in reducing blood pressure and abnormal heart rate. You can practice Pranayama throughout the pregnancy.
Pregnant women can also try types of Pranayamas, such as Anulom Vilom and Bhastrika.
Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
This pregnancy Yoga includes stretching the back and arms muscles to form a triangle shape.
Steps to do Trikonasana:
- Stand straight with your legs 3-4 feet apart and turn your right foot 90-degree out.
- Breathe slowly, raise both hands and keep them parallel to the ground with the palms facing downwards.
- Slowly bend on the right side while breathing out, touch your right foot with your right hand, and point your left hand upward.
- Keep looking upward and stay in this position for a couple of breaths.
- Finally, breathe in, get to the original position and repeat the procedure for the opposite side.
You can perform Trikonasana 3-4 times a day.
Prenatal Yoga - Trikonasana is proven to reduce blood pressure and anxiety, strengthen muscles and induce flexibility to groins and hips. Women having hypertension and other complications should consult an expert before practicing this.
It is ideal for the first and second trimesters as it strengthens the body’s muscles.
Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose)
The Baddha Konasana is an excellent pregnancy Yoga that improves the functioning of the abdominal organs and aids in easy delivery.
Steps to do Baddha Konasana:
- Sit erect on the floor and bend your knees and try to touch the soles of the feet with each other.
- Hold your knees with your hands and push them towards the groin as much as possible while breathing in.
- Breathe out and relax.
- Grab the toes of your feet with your hands and try to keep the outer edge of the feet touching the ground.
- Now, start flapping your legs like a butterfly while breathing normally.
You can perform this pose for about 3-5 minutes a day.
Butterfly Yoga during pregnancy can help you improve the flexibility of the groin, increase blood circulation to abdominal organs, relieve stress, and aid in a smoother & easier delivery.
You can practice this Yogasana throughout the pregnancy, as it does not involve any rigorous abdominal exertion.
Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)
Warrior post is one of the best prenatal Yogas to address issues such as back pain, strengthen your legs, and promote overall mental wellness.
Steps to do Virabhadrasana:
- Stand straight, keeping your feet hip-width apart.
- Extend your right foot behind you, place your left leg forward, raise your hip and come into a lunge position.
- Raise your hands high with your fingers spread wide and gaze forward like a warrior.
- Stay in this position for several deep breaths and slowly come back to the kneeling position.
- Repeat the same process for the opposite leg.
Practice Virabhadrasana Yoga 3-4 times a day.
The warrior pose yoga for pregnancy strengthens the arms, legs, and back and increases blood circulation. It also imparts stability to the mind and balance to the body.
It is suitable for the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.
You can also use a belly sheet mask during Yoga to reduce the stretch marks and moisturize the skin.
Pregnancy Yoga can substantially improve the mother’s and child’s health during the gestation period. Expectant mothers can use the yoga poses and practices described above for a carefree & smoother delivery.
Happy journey! :)
[1] "Effect of integrated yoga on anxiety, depression & well being in ...." Accessed 12 Jan. 2023.
[1] "A systematic review: The effects of yoga on pregnancy - ScienceDirect." Accessed 12 Jan. 2023.
[1] "The effects of yoga in prevention of pregnancy complications in high ...." Accessed 12 Jan. 2023.
[1] "Yoga clinical research review -" Accessed 12 Jan. 2023.
[1] "Effectiveness of Prenatal Yoga on Sleep Quality and Reduction of ...." Accessed 12 Jan. 2023.
[1] "effects on maternal comfort, labor pain and birth outcomes - PubMed." Accessed 12 Jan. 2023.
[1] "yoga and pranayama during pregnancy - ResearchGate." 24 Jan. 2022, Accessed 12 Jan. 2023.
[1] "The bliss yoga inculcates during the different stages of pregnancy." 5 Jul. 2022, Accessed 12 Jan. 2023.